audtohear Etsy Gift Shop – IT’S LAUNCH DAY!

triangles lets be earbuds etsy

Hello all!

I have officially launched my Etsy shop for punny audiology greeting cards – visit

I’ve been working on this side project for a little over a month now and I’m super duper excited to share it with you & the world. With this project, I am combining three of my favorite things: audiology, puns, and stationary to design products that will make the beholder laugh along with me.

Intro to Aud to Hear

In case you didn’t know, the name of my blog (aud to hear) is a play on words. It can be perceived as you “ought to hear” this information or oh, this fact is “odd to hear”. I wish I knew what part of my brain makes up these things. They kind of just come to me. When I think of a new one, I can’t help but chuckle at how dorky I can be. I know I’m an ear nerd and I’m proud of it!

Over the years, I have searched for cards and gifts that are unique only to realize that there aren’t enough audiology/otology specific products! So, what can I do to change that?

Feeling Inspired

This realization inspired me to create punny audiology greeting cards for light-hearted entertainment. I can’t keep my ideas to myself because I know there are people out there who can appreciate a good ear-related pun. Cards are fun. Jokes are funny. Cards with jokes and puns are  the funniest.

Nowadays, we rely heavily on technology to do everything for us. Technology’s great. However, I will say that the feeling of receiving a ‘gift’ electronically (e.g. e-mail, e-card, e-gift card) will never replace the giddy feeling of taking out a physical, handwritten note or card in a pile of mail. Tangible gifts are the most memorable gifts.

Design Process

Creating and designing the cards has been so much fun. I have been teaching myself how to use Adobe Illustrator (thank you free Youtube tutorials) in my spare time to create more of my ideas. The learning curve is steep and can be frustrating when I don’t have a technical background in design. If I’m not at work or hanging out with my family, you can bet that I’m trying to learn how to utilize all kinds of design tools.

Check out my Etsy shop!

I hope you browse through my Etsy shop and find something that makes you crack a smile. Maybe you’ll see something and automatically think of someone who could cheer up with a card. Please support my creations by purchasing cards and giving them to the people you love!

If you have any questions or feedback, I would love to hear from you in the comments below!

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